Getting Ahead of Fleas: Your Fall Guide to Parasite Prevention

Getting Ahead of Fleas: Your Fall Guide to Parasite Prevention

As pet owners, we can attest that flea infestation can not only be annoying but also extremely dangerous to our pets. Fleas can cause severe skin irritation, and anemia, and even transmit deadly diseases. As we approach the fall season, it’s essential to be...
Back to School Blues: Helping Your Pet Adjust to a Quieter House

Back to School Blues: Helping Your Pet Adjust to a Quieter House

Back to school season is an exciting time for kids, but for pets, it can be the source of anxiety and stress. After a summer filled with playtime, cuddles, and attention, the sudden decrease in activity can have a profound impact on our pets. It’s common for...
Recognizing Signs of Fear in Pets During Summer Months

Recognizing Signs of Fear in Pets During Summer Months

As pet owners, it’s crucial to prioritize the mental and physical health of our beloved companions. One of the most common causes of stress in pets is summer thunderstorms and fireworks. During these events, pets exhibit various behaviors that indicate fear and...
Pet Owner’s Springtime Checklist

Pet Owner’s Springtime Checklist

Have you thrown yourself into your spring cleaning? If you’re like most people, you’re airing out the house, getting some plants in the ground, and enjoying the beauty of this season with your pet by your side. In fact, this is one of the best times of year to be a...
Keeping Pets Safe and Healthy: Essential Tips for Pet Poison Prevention

Keeping Pets Safe and Healthy: Essential Tips for Pet Poison Prevention

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, every year, thousands of pets are affected by accidental poisoning. To raise awareness about common poisons and how we can prevent our pets from being exposed to them, Pet Poison Prevention Month is observed in March. Here are...
Year-Round Pet Dental Care: Why It Matters

Year-Round Pet Dental Care: Why It Matters

February is Pet Dental Health Month and it’s a great time for pet owners to brush up on their pet care knowledge. Just like humans, pets need good dental healthcare. That’s why it’s important to understand the basics of taking care of your pet’s teeth and gums all...